Nostalgia Electrics ICMP-400BLUE 4-Quart Electric Ice Cream Maker
Hello,we meet again. in accordance with what we did before, we are going to present to you writeup on the best product to meet your needs.
this time, we're going to discuss Nostalgia Electrics ICMP-400BLUE 4-Quart Electric Ice Cream Maker. an excellent product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and our house satisfied too that people can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Nostalgia Electrics ICMP-400BLUE 4-Quart Electric Ice Cream Maker is incredibly easy to use. for newbies, just by exploring the manuals we can use it directly. Do not need to call technician making it can be used as the first purpose we would like to buy it.
the good news is you can get/buy Nostalgia Electrics ICMP-400BLUE 4-Quart Electric Ice Cream Maker with special price in amazon. we've selected and chosen essentially the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to purchase it for your beloved people. anyway, an item is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Nostalgia Electrics
Price : $24.99
You Save : $15.00 (38%)
Product Description
The Old Fashioned Ice Cream Maker™ provides a homemade ice cream experience with modern convenience. Simply fill the plastic bucket with ice, place the aluminum canister filled with ingredients in the center of the bucket and the electric motor does the churning for you. Soon, delicious ice cream is ready to serve! Makes 4 quarts of ice cream per batch.
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Product Features
- 4-Quart aluminum canister
- Plastic bucket and plastic dasher
- Electric motor does the churning
- Recipes included in instruction manual
- Easy to use, easy to clean
Price : $24.99
Customer Reviews
I picked this unit up for under $30.00 at Penney's last year, after our old wooden bucket unit gave up the ghost. We'd had that one for about 15 yrs. The problem with the wooden buckets, was that the brass bands holding it together, always rusted from the corrosion of salt water that came into contact with it. The plastic bucket on this unit eliminates the rust issue. It has a large capacity; about 5 or 6 qts, which is good for large families or a crowd. The problem with the new units like cuisinart, is that they only hold 1 or 2 pints! Why go through that much work, for such a small amount? Plus, those only work if you think ahead to pre-freeze the interior canister for overnight. That eliminates the possibility of deciding on spur of the moment some summer day, to say "hey, let's make some ice cream! NOW!"
Yeah, yeah, you have to use a cheap box of rock salt and pick up a bag of ice. Using ice and salt, really aren't a big deal though. After making your custard or ice cream base, and place into the canister and putting the whole thing into the plastic bucket, you just add lots of shallow layers of ice and rock salt, till you get to the top. Then turn the thing on, and it's done in about 25 minutes. Perfect! We've used ours for 2 yrs, with absolutely no problems. Ok, well maybe the box it was packaged in, looked tacky, and like it would be kind of cheap. But so what! I don't care about the packaging, we just wanted a great, dependable ice cream maker that didn't cost $100 or $200! This unit works flawlessly, and turns out amazing ice cream! Our family of 8 loves it!
Just a side note, to recommend that you purchase some Mexican vanilla online, or find someone going to Mexico, and have them pick some up for you. It makes an enormous difference to vanilla ice cream! You won't believe how incredible it'll make it taste!
I got this as a Christmas gift from my mom. It's simply the best present ever. It's so easy to set up, so easy to clean and so easy to make ice cream...put all the ingredients in, let it churn for about 30 or so minutes, and it's done. I like to put it in the freezer for an extra 2 hours, then put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds, and to me, it tastes way better than anything at a store. I've made all kinds of awesome flavors just using the "easy ice cream". Mint chocolate chip, peanut butter swirl vanilla, plain vanilla, egg nog ice cream. I love my ice cream to death and this thing lets me experiment in ways I never could have imagined...awesome...simply awesome. It makes a lot too, which was great compared to some of the others that looked to produce about 1/4 as much as this one does.
5 Stars all the way...HIGHLY recommended.
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