Black & Decker IC200 Arctic Twister Ice Cream Mixer
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this time, we're going to discuss Black & Decker IC200 Arctic Twister Ice Cream Mixer. an excellent product that according to our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our family satisfied too we can present it into our lives.
What is fun is Black & Decker IC200 Arctic Twister Ice Cream Mixer is very easy to use. for beginners, just by looking at the manuals we can easily use it directly. We do not need to call technician to make it can be used as the initial purpose we want to buy it.
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Product Description Review
Rather than heading down to the local Dairy Queen for a soft-serve cone, use the Arctic Twister to make custom soft-serve ice cream at home. Using the Arctic Twister is not as ambitious as making ice cream from scratch: simply buy your favorite ice cream, sherbet, or frozen yogurt and swirl in the toppings of your choice to make your own original flavor. The dispenser can handle almost any topping you can think up, from the healthy (nuts, granola, fruit, and cereal) to the decadent (sprinkles, chocolate chips, M;Ms, cookies, and candy bars).
Once the five pieces of this easy-to-assemble appliance are in place, remove the lid and layer your ice cream with candy, nuts, etc. Replace the lid, turn on the power, and start pumping the handle on the lid to get your ice cream churning. But don't delay in getting your cone positioned under the spout--once your soft-serve treat begins spiraling out, you want to be ready to catch it. In one run, the dispenser twirls enough ice cream for three cups, cones, or bowls. Cleanup is easy as all components of the dispenser are plastic and safe to wash in the top rack of the dishwasher. A great dessert idea for kids' parties, ice-cream socials, or summer picnics, the Arctic Twister is covered by a one-year limited warranty. --Cristina Vaamonde
Take your favorite ice cream, low fat frozen yogurt or sherbet and customize it with your choice of mix-ins! Crush and mix in the goodies of your choice by pressing down the lever. Add chips, nuts, granola, dried apricots, cookes and more! Create an instant soft serve treat which is then exuded right into a cone or cup.
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Product Features
- Turns store-bought ice cream into soft-serve
- Mixes toppings of your choice into ice cream: nuts, candy, cookies, fruit, granola
- Swirls enough for 3 cones in one run
- Components are dishwasher-safe (top rack only)
- One-year limited warranty
Customer Reviews
I read the reviews before purchasing it, and was pleasantly surprised when I tried it out. The ice cream came out easily firm enough for cones.
Suggestions for using:
1) place parts in freezer 10-15 min. before use
2) put toppings in freezer before using (if the toppings are warm they will melt the ice cream as they are mixing)
3) Buy a half-gallon of ice cream in the rectangular carton, open it up and use a butcher knife to quickly chop the ice cream into cubes to put into the machine (doesn't take long, so the ice cream is not too soft)--note: you can just fold the box back up and put it in a freezer bag when putting it away
4) rinse the parts immediately after use--easy clean-up
5) I make ice cream for my family, and then I eat the ice cream off of the "dasher" that everyone is complaining about (It is not sharp, and you can hold it like a big popsicle, and then not much is wasted)
Improvements Needed:
1) It mixes the ice cream a little slowly
2) It would be easier if the on/off switch didn't have to be held down constantly
Although this machine does indeed make hard ice cream soft, you need to use a pint of ice cream to get two cones. The rest of the ice cream remains on the blade and you practically have to eat if off there.
The ice cream also has to be extremely hard or it will be liquified.
The on/off switch has to be depressed constantly, because as soon as you release the switch the machine goes off. The machine also has to be operated by two persons, because of the hardness of the on/off switch.
For me this was a very bad buy. I used it just once and never will again. For me it was a waste of money.
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